During the period of my work for FGUP Russian Post, my team of 80 employees and I implemented the following projects:
- Having conducted an audit of the security system, we have optimized it, which resulted in a saving of about 50 mln RUB a year;
- Analysis of work of in-house collection and escort service for valuables was conducted. A decision on transition to contract work with external providers was adopted. This should result in transferring the weapons to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, eliminating weapon rooms and enabling to save about 1 billion RUB of fixed expenditures.
- We have established a brand new Department for counter-acting legalization of proceeds from crime and terrorist financing in accordance with Federal law No.115, as well as a financial monitoring section.
- We have established an Information Security Department, adopted IT Policy and Program for the development of information security of the company, implemented the unified standards and requirements, launched the operational control center etc.
- Operational measures were taken to identify channels of grey mail and prevent stealing at logistics infrastructure facilities, i.e. distribution centers, motor vehicle convoys, railway distribution centers, post office cars, and post offices. The economic benefit for 2016 was estimated at 5 billion RUB.
- An internal investigations section of was established, as well a polygraph examiner’s room.